Marc Marquez è stato ricoverato e operato di nuovo all’omero destro fratturato durante il primo GP della stagione a Jerez, lo scorso 19 luglio. Dopo che i medici hanno rilevato un danneggiamento alla placca di titanio generato da un sovraccarico di stress, hanno deciso di procedere con una nuova operazione chirurgica. Il dottor Xavier Mir e la sua squadra dell’Hospital Universitari Dexeus hanno sostituito con successo la placca di titanio. Adesso Marquez resterà per le prossime 48 ore sotto osservazione prima di poter lasciare l’ospedale.
Dr. Xavier Mir, Hospital Universitari Dexeus: “Marc Marquez underwent surgery 13 days ago and today he returned to the operating room. The first operation was successful, what was not expected was that the plate was insufficient. An accumulation of stress in the operated area has caused the plate to suffer some damage, so today the titanium plate has been removed and replaced by a new fixation. The rider has not felt pain during this period. He has always followed the medical advice given and the feeling from his body. Unfortunately, an over stress has caused this issue. Now we have to wait 48 hours to understand the recovery time.”
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