La notizia arriva durante la prima sessione di prove libere del GP di Abu Dhabi, ultimo round del Campionato 2015: la Red Bull ha firmato il contratto per il motore 2016. A dirlo a Sky Sports Christian Horner. Queste le sue dichiarazioni:
Can you say that Red Bull will definitely be on the grid in 2016?
“We’ve entered the world championship, we’ve signed a contract for an engine, but I can’t tell you what it’ll be or called at the moment. We’re announcing different partners – and we’ve some great partners to be announced in the week ahead – so yes we’ll be there unless something extremely untoward happens.”
Whatever that engine’s called, are you happy with it?
“It’s an engine that will hopefully improve during the course of the year, so it’s going to be a tough start to the season for us but we’re confident we’ll make strides.”
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